Saturday, 30 December 2017

DAY 13: Making Promises I Don't Have The Time Or Resources To Keep

DAY 13: Making Promises I Don't Have The Time Or Resources To Keep

Over Christmas I made a promise to Person A. It was to download songs of her favourite singers onto a USB stick. It was not a difficult task to do and I knew it would mean a great deal to Person A. What I seem to forget about when I make these types of promises is the little time that I have to invest in completing these tasks. The task is simple, but when one has priorities that come first, little tasks like these are put on hold. When the task is put on hold Person A has to wait. Some people in life do not have a lot to look forward to, so having to wait for something can really make them impatient because it can be the highlight of their week or day to have what they were promised. It can be manifested by consistent asking and consistent reminders. I know I have to work with Person A so I have to go out of my way to get it done. It is a mountain to climb in itself because my computer has stopped working recently and due to not having a car I'd have to use my own money to have transport to go to a place where there is a computer and in all of that I have to manage my other work related tasks. Having now climbed the mountain to keep a promise I made I realised it is best to not make promises without first considering if I have the time, resources, money, etc. It is best to do that so that I am not creating a situation that can effect rapport building, my financial situations, my time management and my job. So, being considerate of self and others before making promises. How that can be done is saying ''I'll check to see if I have the time and resources to do it''.. Instead of saying ''Yep, I can do that for you... not a problem''.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make promises that I do not have the time and resources to keep.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make promises to Person A and other people without checking in with my own schedule and resources first hand.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel angry at Person A for consistently reminding me about my promise.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to forget reality when I say I can do something for someone else.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that I come first.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire to do everything for everyone one else instead of considering what I need to do for me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make promises that I cannot keep

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to want/desire to say ''Yep I can do that'', to please the people I work with and make them happy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be too giving of the time and resources

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel depressed about having to follow through with promises and losing money when I am suppose to be gaining.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel depressed about not being able to keep promises.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is selfish to be less giving and more considerate of my time and resources.

I commit myself to say that I'll have to check my schedule and the resources I have before saying I'll do this or I'll do that for them.

I commit myself to not make promises that I cannot keep or follow through with.

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