Tuesday, 26 December 2017

DAY 12: Jealousy Of The Favourites

DAY 12: Jealousy Of The Favourites

A support worker can assist/support in the choice/decision of how the day will go. We can come up with ideas for the client to consider how they will spend the day. It is usually in the best interest of the client and the support worker. It could be spending the day grocery shopping, participating in arts & craft, watching movies or TV, listening to music, cooking, etc. As a support worker out on the field working with the client, we have a bit more control over how the day will go, but the client has the final say. In each of the ideas made, how the client will behave, speak, and make choices does depend on a variety of factors.

One factor is who the support worker is. Some support workers have worked with a client for years. They have built a great rapport, gained their trust, know the ins and outs of their behaviour and therefore, have a great deal of influence on the client. I've mainly seen support workers use this influence for the benefit of the client. I see the great difference between who the client is with me in comparison to how the client is to/towards a very experienced support worker who has a great rapport with the client. I sometimes experience some jealousy come up to not being one of the favourites of my clients. What type of thoughts stem from jealousy ''what ways can I start being my clients favourite?'', ''How can I upstage the favourite support workers?'' and then it turns into a want/desire to please my client. Wanting/desiring to please and not make sure that it is assistive/supportive both is a sure way to lose respect for oneself and lose respect from the client as they will know that you're just out to please them. They will like you more, but in saying that, they will want you to please them more and if they're not pleased with you, then it will lead to reactions from the client that can consist of anger, annoyance, frustration, etc. because you're not pleasing them.

A support worker's job isn't to please the client. The job is to do what is best for all. This includes self and the client. Wanting/desiring to be a favourite is turning a non-competitive job into one of competition, jealousy, etc. Each support worker works differently with their clients. This is beneficial for the client because they get a variety of difference throughout the week. If all the support workers were the same and worked the same to the Tee, then the client would get no variety, no stimulation, no challenges, no ways of working with different support workers. We cannot always work to the Tee, all support workers are different in how we work to build our rapports with clients. This is a cool factor and really assists/supports the client. It's not about messing up their routines, it's about keeping their routines, but adding the difference of who we are to them in the best interests of our clients. There need not be any competition, or jealousy. What matters is what is best for all in the time we have with out clients because the end result is to make sure that our clients are well-looked after and have achieved the goals they've set for themselves on that very day. What we want to add of ourselves in that time depends on what we decide as support workers.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire to be my client's favourite support worker

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that the main goal on every shift is to assist and support my client to the best of my abilities in a way that is beneficial for my client and I.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire to please my client to be a favourite.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want/desire to complete with my colleages to be the client's favourite support worker.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be jealous of support workers who have built that trust and good rapport to have a great influence on the client.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect my clients to open up to and give me all their trust right away when that type of trust is developed over time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect client's to be exactly the same as who they're with other support workers when every relationship that a client has with support workers will be different

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realise/understand that the difference for the clients is a cool factor because they get a variety and stimulation from the difference.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe a support worker's job is to be a favourite of the clients. 

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that as long as the job of caring, being considerate, conversing with client, tending to their needs and assisting/supporting them where near necessary then that is a job well done.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect myself to do more than what needs to be done.

When and as I see myself being jealous about the rapport that my colleagues have with clients - I stop and I breathe - I realise that the difference that we support workers provide is beneficial for the clients because it helps with variety and stimulation.

When and as I see myself making my job about competition - I stop and I breathe - i realise that assisting/supporting someone to live a fulfilling life a duel effort by all support workers working with that individual client. Therefore, no compeition can exist when assisting/supporting someone to live a fulfilling life as we all need each other to converse, provide feedback and create a great rapport.

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